As you might already know, Feng Shui means wind and water and talks about the influence of the environment and directions in our life. However, Feng Shui also has a time dimension. There are intangible energies of which we experience their influence during a specific time frame but we do not see, these energies are called Flying Stars. There are 9 Flying Stars in total, each star has a number from 1 to 9, it belongs to an element, it’s a member of the family, it has a color, musical note, part of the body etc.
Each Flying Star rules earth for 20 years. For example, during 2004-2024 we are under influence from Flying Star 8 and this period of time is called Period 8 and it belongs to earth element.
In February 2024 we are entering Period 9 which belongs to fire element and its going to influence us for the next 20 years, this is until February 2044. That means that the whole humanity will be influenced by the fire element and its characteristics.
Indications through world events about any Period we get 40 years before it is even beginning. For example, indications about Period 9 we already got from 1984 onwards. However, during 2024-2044 we will see the characteristics of Period 9 becoming our everyday life.
Flying Star 9 belongs to fire element and is also expressed with the fire trigram of the I Ching. When we analyze fire as element, how it behaves and a trigram we can make predictions for the next 2- years.
Let’s examine first what the trigram fire means. Trigram consists of three lines (continues or broken), one line is on the top of the other.
The fire trigram belongs to fire element. This trigram consists of a continues (yang) line up and down, while the middle line is broken (yin) or empty.
You may see below the fire trigram:
Trigram fire
When a line is empty it means that it has no substance and its void. Indeed, when we observe the flame of a candle, we see the flame and sparkle around It but the middle of the flame looks black and empty.
This emptiness of the center of the flame can influence our lives in 2 totally different ways. Either we see a society that is empty and based only on appearances and external shine and living just with the brain, or we see a society that has spiritual progress that has got rid of useless attachments and reaches happiness and light, and is living with the heart.
The power of the heart versus the power of the brain. There will be polarity, dilemma and the combination between emotional intelligence and artificial intelligence. The fire element of Period 9 is related to the brain, the heart and the eyes.
The eyes will play a paramount role in Period 9, just like beauty and entertainment will do. People care about their appearance, they want to be beautiful, they do plastic surgery, take selfie photos, they upload their photos on Instagram, they make Tic Toc videos, they watch Netflix, they play videogames and online games, they wear clever Metaverse glasses, holograms and virtual reality looks so real that it’s easy to get confused about what is real and what is fake. All these indications have already started some time ago, for example the first selfie happened in 2004, but then it was just a social trend and in Period 9 it’s our every day.
Technology that is related to photons and artificial intelligence will expand so much that will replace many jobs, causing unemployment. We will have to think how to reshape our society and focus on flourishing other human capabilities that cannot be replaced by artificial intelligence. This will become a huge challenge for the next generations.
Just like a fire becomes big with the help of fuel and other smaller fires nearby, in the same manner the society should become stronger by fantasy, empathy and solidarity.
All these human virtues are also related to the fire trigram of the I Ching. We will need to reform completely our educational system, as we cannot compete with artificial intelligence in collecting and storing information. Today what we learn at school we forget or we never use.
Other qualities of fire are flights and flying cars, drones, rockets that explore the universe, electrical energy, electrical cars, therapies that are based in the frequency of light, color technology and color therapy, laser applications, the speed, fast speed technology, optic fiber technology, face and eye recognition technology. Nuclear energy is also belonging to fire element so we will see entering our lives in a different way. Airplanes fueled by solar energy. Technology that will research the planet sun, solar flares and the control of the sun. Chinese already produced an artificial sun some years ago. Technology will be also improving so fast that we will feel that it is hard to follow.
The fire trigram is also related to the brain. The brain will become the new technology battlefield such as technology that reads the mind of humans, animals and plants.
China already announced that they are capable of reading the human mind and detecting if you are against a political party. Facebook announced that they are working hard in reading our mind, so that they can sell you a product when you think of something relevant. Brain wash and controlling the mind will get into a new level.
Health problems that will draw our attention in the next years are also related to the brain, the heart and the eyes. Autism, brain problems, psychological and mental problems. There will be new therapies related to the brain, heart, circulatory system and the eyes. For example, the blind will be able to see through new technology.
The “third eye” will be a subject of research and control.
Business related to entertainment, beauty, restaurants will do very well during Period 9. Virtual entertainment, cinema and movies, sex and virtual sex or robotic sex related entertainment and technology.
The emotion and the business related to emotion and the human mood will be in full power, as the people will want to do anything that makes them feel good (just like drugs and virtual reality).
Emotional temperament and flared mood will also be an effect of Period 9. As everything is about speed, even short-term happiness and euphoria will be highly appreciated. Jobs that will offer those will flourish. We will also feel that our life goes by much faster than even before.
The polarity and tensity of emotions and opinions are also a result of Period 9. Just like the flame of the candle is empty in its middle, in the same manner we may believe in things that do not exist in reality, fake hopes, fake beliefs and fake news. It will be harder to distinguish what is real and what is not.
Period 9 will be more fanatic, without stable religion. People will live in high speeds and tensity, but when things go wrong, they will just close to themselves and distance themselves from the others.
The freedom of speech will be limited, as speech belongs to the Lake trigram of Period 7. Fire destroys metal, so Period 9 will destroy free speech, everything will be monitored and fact checked.
Religion and belief system will be a subject that will get back to focus. What is good and what is bad?
Pets such as dogs and cats, as they offer to us emotional support, they become a trend and subject of trade. Protection of animals likewise.
Industries that offer emotion and anything that makes you feel that you do something good for the others and the environment, it will perform very well during Period 9. Sex, prostitution and sexual bliss all belong to Period 9 too.
A surprise gift belongs to fire element, so a business that offers a surprise gift to its customers along with the product will do better.
Virtual goods become a rule. Virtual meetings via zoom and other applications become mainstream. Products that are destined to women become successful.
As the need for survival is the strongest emotion of human beings, every business that is related to survival knowledge and survival products that make people feel well will be successful.
Period 9 is about women. We will see more middle-aged women becoming head of states, CEOs and occupying high positions. For example, it was also a Period 9 when the Chinese empress Dowager and Queen Victoria of England rules their countries.
More women will lead the way to society, education, science, business and every aspect of life. On the other hand, it will also be women that will suffer more from accidents and murders. The society will occupy itself more in solving women problems. A lot in the society will be about femineity and feminization.
Regarding natural phenomenon, there will be more fire and forest fires that will impact the environment. Global warming, solar flares, solar storms and volcanic explosions will happen more often than before. On the other hand, society will focus more in technology research and application of avoiding global warming and burning forests by protecting the environment.
One of the characteristics of fire is speed and expansion. If there is wood to burn, fire gets bigger and higher and expands sidewards. So, if we want to be successful during Period 9, we need to behave like the fire. We need to be fast, catching the opportunity straight away. There is no second chance. Start up companies. Here and now everything.
During Period 8 (2004-2024) the trigram of mountain was the predominant energy, so we were building our career step by step like a pyramid. This is over now. If we want to be successful during Period 9, we need to be in the middle of the events, just like being in the middle of the fire. We need to work with others.
We need to do everything fast. Jobs and careers are not long lasting, they come and go, just like the fire. Period 9 is a period of impressions and emotions.
In the political scent we will see politicians appearing from nowhere, without politically related past, winning the elections. There will be more women politicians, and they will be more good-looking ones.
Fire is an unstable element, so we will live under constant change, without any long-term security. Its good not to rely in one job and one income only. We need to be ready to experiment and to feel at ease with the unknown. We need to be flexible and communicate with other places of the world, as the business of Period 9 will expand to many countries.
Just like fire needs fuel in order to exist, in the same manner we need good education to keep our career in good level. So good education will be in high demand and also expensive. Virtual education will become common and important.
Regarding the financial and banking system in the next 20 years, fire will also be the predominant energy. As banking is metal element and fire melts metal, it is certain that money will change shape and it will transform itself. During Period 8 we already saw virtual currency such as Bitcoin becoming a trend.
During the last 60 years and until 2024, the predominant energies of metal and earth were supporting the banking system that was using coins and gold. During period 9 this is going to change.
Everything in our society, including the banking system, will become transparent. The fire of a candle has no shadow. Fire sheds light everywhere, so black money and money laundry will become more difficult. An “eye” will be looking at our money. This trend will create new businesses.
Regarding governance and politics, emotional control might be used to control the mass. On the other hand, as everything will be more transparent, bad political actions, political scandals and sins will not be so easy to hide.
Another thing to consider during Period 9 is to be at the right place the right time. During Period 9 countries, cities or areas that have a mountain at the south will enjoy increase of population, while countries cities or areas that have water in the north will enjoy money prosperity.
For example, many countries of north Africa, North Australia, the north side of south America, Germany etc. will enjoy better money prosperity.
In the next years just after 2024, after the Period 9 has entered, the Feng Shui energies of homes and businesses will also change. You will see homes and businesses that were doing very well before to get worse or even vanish, and the opposite. A Feng Shui audit with a specialist is highly recommended.
Period 9 is a period of freedom and liberation, because fire expands freely. During Period 8 (2004-2024) we saw a society that was behaving more like a mountain and everything was stuck. We were doing a job because it was offering to us stable money, we were staying in a bad marriage because it was offering to us stability of lifestyle. In the next 20 years, we will not pursue stability but joy. We will prefer what makes us happy, so we will be pursuing a job and a partner we really love.
Fire has also the ability to transform. Fire is also the element that changes all the other elements. Fire melts metal and makes it liquid. Fire burns wood and turns it into ashes. Fire turns water into vapor. Fire is a temporary element until it turns itself to the next element. Fire transforms.
Our society will transform, our economy will transform, our everyday life will transform. Nothing will be square and solid any more, everything will be more fluid.
Let’s transform our lives with the best possible way, considering the new norm of the next 20 years. However, if you want to be looking ahead, you need to consider already now the tendencies of Period 1 and 2 that will start shaping our lives too.