In the photos you may see the 4 pillars of Bill and Melinda Gates.
Bill Gates in strong yang water, he likes wood and fire. Melinda revealed that he is never spontaneous, and that he even had to write a list of the pros and cons before getting married with her, he did not just listen to his heart.
How do you see this?
First, all his branches belong to earth element. Earth represents stability and it is the most unmoving element of all. Earth is about not moving until you have to do so.
Second, for a yang water person like Bill Gates, yang earth is unconventional power. He is constantly under pressure, under the element that kills him. This gives him the ability to withstand any type of non stop pressure as he is born with it, he is used to fight and this is his second nature. So not easy to get away from him if you attack him, he is a born warrior.
In Chinese astrology, if you are a yang water person, yang earth is called unconventional power (also known as 7 killing), it is unusual power. Power element is also synonymous to discipline and restrictions, so he had to write the list for himself with the advantages and disadvantages of the marriage. Marriage for him is a kind of management, power element is usually a sign of someone who is a manager, CEO, governor.
Bill Gates has this power element (earth) in his house of spouse, this is the earth branch of the day that we just under yang water.
When a man is sitting on his power element, like Bill Gates, he can say that he listens to his wife, you may even say that he is afraid of his wife. You can also say that his wife brings him discipline, and of course he is attracted to this kind of woman as he wants his woman to be a “manager”.
Sexually, a man with the power element in his house of spouse, he likes to be touched with lot of body contact and him to di-scipline/ or to be di-sci-plined in various ways (well I said that hahahahahaha)!
In his pillars you can see that he shows only one yang fire in his month pillar, this is his wife, he shows this wife to the world, as what appears as heavenly stem is what you show to the world. However, if you observe better, this is not the only fire (woman) around. Each dog has one hidden yang fire in it, Bill has 3 dogs, so that means that the possibility that he has lots of hidden girlfriends is very high.
Just for reference, Bill is having 3 graves of fire (3 dogs), fire means money to him as he is a water person, so you can see that he is a man with lots of money in the banks, a bank is a grave of money if you think about it! So he is a man with lots of hidden money in the bank.
Right now he is 65 years old and later this year he will be 66 years old. He is just coming out from his metal dragon luck pillar, dragon is clashing with the dog in his house of spouse, but also with the dog in his month pillar where we see yang fire on the top as heavenly stem of his month.
What a “coincidence” of this clash, Melinda is the wife he shows to the world, so it is mostly her that is clashed and not any girlfriend, and the dragon clashing to his month pillar has yang fire on the top, Melinda is also a yang fire day master (yang fire is her personal element).
Another interesting thing to observe is the fact that the dragon clashing his dogs, it causes to open the grave (the dog), when the grave is clashed, what is inside comes out and can be seen from the world. Inside the dog there is yang fire hiding, fire means girlfriend for Bill Gates.
So, during his dragon luck pillar (ages 56-66) information comes out that he has a hidden girlfriend from the past, with whom he still spends time in her beach house (and who knows where else) and that Melinda has agreed with him to do so. In the past, this information was not apparent, the world did not know about that, now with the divorce everyone starts to speak about that.
In 2021, the year of metal ox, the yin metal of 2021 is combining with the yang fire in the heavenly stem of Bill Gates month pillar. When something combines, it means that it is removing it. So, this yin metal of 2021 is taking away the wife element (yang fire) of Bill Gates. So, his wife is gone, she is taken away by the yin metal of 2021.
Lets talk about attraction now! You are attracted to someone when you dont have an element that you need, and the other person has it either in his 4 pillars or in his luck pillars. Of course the elements that appear in the year also play their role.
When you are in a luck pillar with elements that you do not really like (just like Bill Gates he already has enough earth in his natal chart and he was in his dragon luck pillar of 10 years), you really miss your favourable elements, you will do anything to find them anyway.
Where can you find them? In another person’s chart. For example your wife.
Melinda is a yang fire person, we do not know her hour of birth. Bill loves wood element, as wood makes him feel free and happy, it is also a good element for him (as he is strong yang water).
If you think about it, he met Melinda in 1987, the year of fire rabbit, rabbit is wood element, making him active to ask her out, as wood kills his restrictions represented by earth. This is a good example to see how someone can act when intelligence element is in play!
Melinda is having wood in her luck pillar she is right now, she is now in the luck pillar of fire tiger, tiger is wood element. So, he still likes her wood.
However, this one tiger is busy to clash with the 2 monkeys that are present in her month and day branch. These two monkeys are metal element and they are very very strong in her chart.
One tiger fighting 2 monkeys, with monkey being the conquerer (metal conquers wood), who wins, of course it is the 2 monkeys and not the 1 tiger that wins. So although Bill likes her tiger (her way of thinking and her ideas), this tiger is not in good shape with all this metal around (metal means actually money to her).
After she is passing the age of 63, in some years from now, her wood will be almost non existent, as her next luck pillar is wood ox. And Bill he is already “smelling” the wood in his luck pillar of 66-86, I say “smelling: because he is so close to it, he is almost there.
Meaning he soon does not need the wood of Melinda any more, he will have his own.
So, this divorce is final, and in a few years I do not think they will be even working together so much, as Melinda in her next luck pillar she has earth (ox) the element that Bill Gates does not like at all, as he has enough of that himself in his own luck pillars.
In 2021, the year of yin metal ox, Melinda as she is a yang fire person she sees metal, metal means money to her. So, this year she will see a lot of money going into her account.
Lets go back again to the chart of Bill Gates.
2021 as it is the year of the ox, ox and dog belong to what we call “3 earth penalty”. 3 penalty we have when ox, goat and dog come together in any way in somebody’s life, this could be in the original 4 pillars, even the luck pillars, a specific year month or day or even hour.
Even if only 2 of these earth elements appear, we can still experience the effect of “3 earth penalty”. 3 penalty can bring irritation, hidden things, getting annoyed.
Bill Gates feels this annoyance in his marriage, as the ox of 2021 is putting penalty in his marriage, causing him to divorce. The earth penalty created by 2021 is actually not only affecting his love/marriage life. It also affects his month pillar of the dog, the dog in the month pillar is the strongest of all the earthly branches, it is about his core self.